Propane prices vs electric portable heater

Propane prices vs electric portable heater

Propane prices in Indiana have risen to unaffordable levels. Propane (LP gas) deliveries have been rationed. Some LP gas customers are even worried they may run out of propane fuel and not be able to live in their home. Propane heating costs in Indiana in 2014 are...
Indiana LP Gas Prices, Compare and Save

Indiana LP Gas Prices, Compare and Save

The cost of propane gas (same as LP gas or Liquified Petroleum Gas) has always caused high heating bills in Indiana. But in 2014, Indiana propane prices doubled and this caused rationing and sent homeowners in search of alternatives. Some homes are keeping their LP...
Indiana LP Gas Prices, Compare and Save

Avoid high Propane Prices in Central Indiana

Note: the following is an updated version of some very important information regarding the recent LP gas shortages and related high propane prices. Are you heating your home with propane (LP) gas? Considering the high propane prices in Central Indiana, you need to...
Propane prices vs electric portable heater

My heat pump runs all day and night!

Should my heat pump run constantly? My old furnace didn’t! If you subscribe to the old school (that would be the bigger-is-better school) your old oversized furnace was probably super-sized for the unlikely event that the next ice age will be here soon. The old...
Propane prices vs electric portable heater

Miracle Amish heater savings?… Not!

Amish electric heater! Miracle heat! Amazing new technology! Free electric heater! Energy Saving fireplace heater! You’ve seen these full page ads in the newspaper and since they continue to show up, I can only guess that they are so successful that thousands of...