My Basement is Cold

My Basement is Cold

A finished basement in the Midwest is a great feature for your home. It should be a comfortable retreat for a cold winter evening where  you can pop some corn and watch a movie. But what if your finished basement is too cold? This is a common problem. Here’s...
My Basement is Cold

Myth: Heat Pumps are not efficient in cold weather

We have been conditioned to expect our appliances to cycle. The refrigerator turns off and on. The basement sump pump cycles. The clothes dryer runs until the clothes are dry and then turns off with a friendly melody letting you know that it has completed its job. If...
My Basement is Cold

When to use Emergency Heat on a heat pump

Emergency Heat sounds like a wonderful feature for a heating system. It sounds comforting to push the “Power Boost” button during the blizzard. Especially in times of a winter emergency as defined by our central Indiana weather personalities on TV. I am...
My Basement is Cold

DIY test: is heat pump causing high electric bill?

If you receive a high electric bill in the winter and if you heat your Indianapolis area home with an electric heat pump and if you notice your heat pump runs 24/7, you might presume the heat pump is the problem. The trouble is, you normally have to call your heating...
My Basement is Cold

Is your heat pump running non-stop?

It is worrisome for many homeowners when they realize their heat pump is running all the time. If you live in Central Indiana, or any state with weather similar to Indiana, then you are familiar with your electric heat pump running non-stop on the cold days. If this...
My Basement is Cold

Propane prices vs electric portable heater

Propane prices in Indiana have risen to unaffordable levels. Propane (LP gas) deliveries have been rationed. Some LP gas customers are even worried they may run out of propane fuel and not be able to live in their home. Propane heating costs in Indiana in 2014 are...