Duct Cleaning for your New Home

Precision Comfort Choice #11

hoose Would you like to clear your new duct system of construction debris?

Duct Cleaning Overview

New homes are perhaps the best candidates for a thorough cleaning of the heating and AC duct system. Normally a new home heating and cooling duct system is installed before insulation, drywall, flooring and many other dust and dirt generators. With most new homes, the ducts will accumulate more construction debris than they will see during the rest of their lifespan, especially drywall dust and sawdust. The cost for duct cleaning will depend on the size of your system and the number of systems you have.

Important New Home Construction Tips:

As soon as your duct system is installed, Precision Comfort Systems will attempt to cover the duct outlets. However, some situations require running the heat or AC during construction and then the outlets must remain open.

Air Conditioning Tip – if you are building in the summer we recommend not running the AC during construction. The AC coil will be wet from condensation and the dust contaminates will stick to the coil and harm your system.

Heating Tip – If you are building in the winter, sometimes heat is needed, but ideally it would come from portable heaters. If you do run your furnace, be sure to check or change the filters daily. If you are installing a heat pump, only run the auxiliary heat, not the heat pump. The energy use is more but this will increase the life of your heat pump compressor.

How are the ducts cleaned?

Precision Comfort Systems offers a professional duct cleaning by our duct cleaning specialist. Our state of the art equipment includes a high powered vacuum, different brush attachments for various duct types and a multi layered filtering system for the finest particle removal. Your new duct system will benefit from not only the vacuum cleansing, but also the rotary brush action to dislodge debris that adheres to the inside of your air duct system.

Do I need my new ducts cleaned?

Some new homes may not need a duct cleaning. If your duct openings were sealed during all of the construction process and the heat or air conditioning was from portable sources, your duct system may be relatively clean. But from our experience in new home construction, we see a lot of construction dirt and debris collecting in the duct system where it remains hidden. (We have even seen our floor duct openings become a convenient “dust pan” collector for other clean-up crews.) The best time to have this service is before you move in or soon thereafter.

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